Our Services



Per Visit: $120

Package Bundle Option:

Get 10 Visits for $1000 and Save $200!

Book Appointment

Each visit = 45 min – 1 hour

Please allow yourself enough time for your appointment when scheduling.

How To Prepare

Eat a meal and drink fluids 1 to 4 hours before your scheduled visit. Treatment on an empty stomach may cause light headedness or nausea.


Be ready to mention EVERYTHING that bothers you. A lot of people leave out some things about themselves because they think acupuncture or oriental medicine can’t address them but you’d be surprised. We may be able to help you with anything that doesn’t require immediate surgery.


Depending on your consultation you may be asked to remove your clothing and to redress into a sanitized gown and shorts. We provide a clean fitted sheet and padded table that is heated to your comfort level. We use acupuncture needles that are one-time use disposable needles. For the most part, you will feel the plastic guide tube push against your skin and then a little prick when the needle enters the body (most people don’t even feel the prick). It is normal to feel some burn/stinging/pricking sensation when the needle enters the body, but be sure to let us know if you feel discomfort for more than 30 seconds.

After Care

Be sure to take it easy for the rest of the day. Acupuncture may be ‘draining’ for some. It can really put you in a relaxed state. Do not take a full bath for the next 24 hours. Short showers are ok. Drink plenty of water. Do not work out or exercise after treatment on the same day. If you’re coming in for pain relief do not start exercising unless we tell you it’s ok. If you should have any concerns after your treatment do not hesitate to contact us at anytime. Depending on your treatment we may recommend traditional herbal and dietary remedies as well to aid in your improvement.

치료를 받으실때 다음과 같은 방법들이 동원됩니다


침치료 는 대체의학으로 알려져 있고, 가느다란 침을 몸 안에 자침하고 약 20분 후 빼 줍니다. 각 자침 부위는 경락의 소통을 도와주고, 장부의 균형을 맞춰주는 역할을 합니다.


뜸치료 는 경락의 기혈 소통을 도와주고, 온기를 주는 쑥을 사용하여 신체 부위에 있는 혈자리 위에 얻은후 태워서 풍한사를 내보내는 치료법이다.


추나치료 는 중국에서 고전서부터 사용해 온 마사지 치료법으로, 뭉친 근육을 풀어주며, 뼈와 근육을 맞춰주고, 기혈 소통을 원활히 해주어 통증을 제거해주는 치료법이다.


괄사치료 는 살을 긁는듯이 자극해서 해당 경락의 혈액순환을 돕고, 몸속의 풍사를 제거함으로 통증을 제거해주는 치료법이다.


부항치료 는 고전적인 대체의학으로, 플라스틱 혹은 유리 컵 등을 몇초에서 수분동안 피부에 붙인다음에 떼어내서, 피부 경락 부분의 기혈소통을 원활하게 하는 치료하는 요법이다.

Herbal prescription

An herb is a plant or plant part used for its scent, flavor, or therapeutic properties. Combination of herbs can be used to treat a specific illness or condition.
