아가페 한의원에 오신것을 환영합니다
한방 치료의 놀라움을 경험하세요

We are OPEN for business!
(NOVI Office ONLY temporarily)
See our regular business hours
First and foremost, we hope that you and your family are safe and well. In this post we’ll address some of your concerns regarding the COVID-19. Here is what we are doing to keep you safe during the outbreak of COVID-19.
1. Please cancel your appointment if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms and contact your primary doctor: -Runny Nose -Sore throat -Cough -Fever -Pneumonia -Difficulty breathing -Any other cold/flu-like symptoms
2. I will be wearing a mask at all times until the cold season has ended. If I experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms I will call to cancel all the appointments for a week or until I get better (whichever is longer). I will also add specific points to your treatment protocol to boost your lungs.
3. We are doing our best to keep the office as sanitary as possible. Most of these we’ve been doing them all along but in case you didn’t know about our common practice, here they are.
– Making sure all the fabric (shorts, patient gown, face cover, bed sheet, pillow cover) that comes in contact with a patient is changed before receiving the next patient.
– Making sure there is always a hand sanitizer in the office for the patients to use when entering and exiting the office.
– Wipe down all hard surfaces with disinfectant wipes as often as needed.
-Disinfect/wash any devices used during treatment. We use a lot of moxibustion in the office, which also helps disinfect the space and also strengthens the body.
– I’ll be taking only 1 patient per hour to prevent any backflow in the reception/waiting area.
– I’ll be limiting the number of patients I will see each day to 6-8 patients (depending on if I get breaks in between appointments) so that I don’t overwork myself. If a person is tired their immunity goes down tremendously.
4. Home remedies to stay healthy
A. Drinking ginger tea:
-Boil 1 gallon of water with 1 cup of thinly sliced ginger for 30 minutes or longer. The ginger tea should be spicy with a slight kick to it. If it is not spicy to your taste then you need to add more ginger. It doesn’t hurt to put more ginger as you can always dilute it down. Drink as often as you can to boost your immunity and stay healthy. Ginger tea can raise your body temperature and research has shown that raised body temperature does boost the immune cells’ activity. (Read about it here: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas…/2011/…/111101130200.htm) When drinking ginger tea make sure you don’t add anything to it; especially sugar!
B. ALWAYS, and I repeat, ALWAYS wear a scarf when going outside. Again, ALWAYS wear a scarf.
C. If you’re feeling like you’re about to get sick please contact your primary doctor:
-Sore Throat: gargle with warm saltwater. Make the water so that it actually tastes salty and repeat gargling often throughout the day. Brush your teeth after you eat something. You can also come into our office and get an herbal formula for a sore throat. It usually works right away to relieve sore throat, especially if taken at the early stage. When a sore throat is treated at an early stage you can prevent it from developing into a full-blown cold/flu.
-Runny Nose: It’s best if you can avoid blowing your nose but if you must, do so in the sink and wash it off with warm water. This will prevent your nose from becoming irritated because you’re not using a tissue to wipe it. If you must use a tissue, try to dab it instead of wiping it. use a nasal irrigation device to rinse your nasal cavity. WARNING: DO NOT USE if both nasal cavities are blocked. Wait until one side is unblocked to use the irrigation device.
-Cough: Make sure to cough into your elbow or inside your shirt. Wash your hands after coughing into your hands!Drink peppermint tea to soothe the throat and cool the lungs. PLEASE DO USE OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS TO FIGHT OFF THE COLD OR FLU IS YOU HAVE IT. IT’S BETTER TO TAKE THEM AT THE BEGINNING TO SHORTEN THE DURATION OF BEING SICK THAN SUFFER THROUGH IT FOR A LONGER PERIOD OF TIME WITHOUT IT.
We are always here for you to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Our dear friend Paula is helping us answer our phones but if neither of us answers the phone, please leave us a voice message/ text message and we’ll get back to you ASAP.
Thank you for reading through this.
Vickie Jeon will be going on maternity leave from March to June/July.
John Park will continue seeing patients during her absence.
New Novi Location:
44150 W 12 Mile Rd
Suite 300
Novi, MI 48377
Drive into the plaza and drive to the far left end building.
Novi Open hours
Mon- Thur: 9am - 7pm
Fri: 9am - 3pm
Sun: 12pm - 7pm
Livonia Open hours
“We all need to slow down and go to acupuncture.”
– Tamara Ecclestone
아가페 한의원
당신의 건강을 지금 되찾으세요
Novi: Mon-Thu: 9am – 7pm
Livonia Office: Fri: 9am – 3pm 일: 오후 12시 - 오후 6시